Great ingredients make for great meals. Whenever you can, use the highest quality supplies for your recipes. The flavor difference will always come through in your finished dish.

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Ingredient Information

Yellow Squash

There are so many different kinds of squash it’s almost like having to take a high school biology test. I know them all because growing up I was one of those weird kids that actually liked squash.

Yellow squash (what I called summer squash growing up) is one of my favorites. I love the soup made with it (see Spring Bisque) and the roasted Parmesan Squash, but my favorite is simply sliced into rounds and steamed. Look for medium sized squash no more than about eight inches long. Larger ones are tougher and dry. The skin should be unblemished.

8 ounces yellow squash = 45 calories, 0g fat, 0g sat fat, 0g mono fat, 6g protein, 10g carbohydrates, 5mg sodium, 0mg cholesterol, 7 mcg Vitamin K