Beginner's Workout

Front Shoulder Raise


Our last upper extremity exercise, the Front Shoulder Raise, is going to work the shoulder muscles.

The shoulder muscles are important to work because we use them all the time when performing certain tasks, or hobbies. Well defined shoulder muscles will make you look more toned, and strong shoulder muscles can prevent shoulder, or rotator cuff injuries.

Take your resistance band and place one foot in the middle of the resistance band while holding the handles with your palms facing each other in front of you.

Keeping your back straight and the abdominal muscles tight, extend your arms out in front of you with your palms facing the floor.

Stop once the handles reach the level of your shoulders. Hold this position for about one to two seconds.

Slowly lower your arms and bring your arms and hands back to the starting position.

Make sure to move slowly when performing this exercise and avoid leaning back. If the resistance bands are tense, you can either use a resistance band with less tension or just bring the bands up as high as you can and try to lift them higher your next workout.

You will know if you are performing this exercise correctly if you feel a workout burn in your shoulders and your chest muscles. Perform three sets of 8 to 12 repetitions.

Next Beginner's Exercise: Superman »


Tips for Front Shoulder Raise

1. If you place your right foot on the resistance band for the first set be sure to place your left foot on the band the second set. Be sure to alternate which leg you place on the band.

2. Focus on keeping your core abdominal and back muscles tight during this exercise. By doing this you are sneaking in a core workout without even knowing it.

3. Perform 3 sets of Front Shoulder Raises, with 8-12 repetitions per set.