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Ask Dr. Gourmet

Which of your recipes can be pureed?

I just had a hiatal hernia repair and am supposed to be on a liquid/pureed diet for at least a month. Nothing tastes good and short of getting retail baby food, do you have any recipes that are tasty and easily pureed? I am lactose intolerant with GERD and Barrett's esophogus, healing well, but definitely need some protein as I have lost 11 pounds in only 7 days. Thanks so much!

Dr. Gourmet Says...

Cherry Smoothie

There a number of options for you. Smoothies can be a good choice for breakfast. Here are two recipes and these have been designed to be GERD friendly:

Strawberry Banana Smoothie
Tropical Melon Smoothie

Cream soups are a good choice as well:

Acorn Squash Soup
Butternut Squash Soup
Classic Potato Soup
Cream of Fava Bean Soup
Roasted Eggplant Soup
Spring Bisque

There is also a great book for folks on chemotherapy that may help. It's called "Healthy Eating During Chemotherapy." It has a section on smoothly-textured foods that might be helpful.

That should give you a start on tastier eating during your recovery.

Thanks for writing.

Timothy S. Harlan, MD, FACP
Dr. Gourmet